Sojourn at Butterfly Jac

Windows and laughter fill the room. There is no waiting here. All is motion and mirrors. The sun floods the air. Music plays, almost unnoticed, soft and soothing. And each conversation blends into a continuous smile.

Hands heal the neck, waken the head. Worries and strands fall to the floor as talented fingers listen to shapes that hide within the hair. And then it begins. The style unfolds, organic origami, sexy and sumptuous.

It is rare to find virtuosity and compassion in the same place. It is not only hair that is cut here. The nervous strings that can make us marionettes are cut as well.

I sit, relaxed and confident. Charlie, as much diva as dog, climbs onto the sofa. My hair feels sexy and strong. My eyes look out at the barely audible traffic and do not blink.

A billboard across the street spells out INTEGRITY in five foot bold letters. Billie Holiday starts to sing through the stereo. It is the authenticity of this salon that sets it apart; Daisy’s generous experience, Bronwen’s sincere greeting, Dani’s thoughtful questions, Donzie, the most recent addition to this professional family, watching, learning, a joyful protégé. And Megan, traveling, will return with new adventures to add yet another ingredient to Butterfly Jac.

Nothing is lost here. All are welcome. I am surrounded by effortless hospitality unfolding with the ease and informality of a kitchen table. The clouds filter the sun and the coffee rests warm in my chest. I am in a state of profound satisfaction.

Forgive me if I cannot describe the details of my visit with objectivity. It is simply not possible. The truth is that Butterfly Jac is a subjective experience.

From the moment you walk through the door you are not only welcome but appreciated. In the best sense you are seen, you are heard, and yes, by the time you leave you are transformed.

The question you might want to ask yourself is:

“Do you want a haircut or do you desire understanding?”

If it is the latter that you seek consider offering yourself a sojourn at Butterfly Jac.

Jag 2009


Made on a Mac

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1310 South 300 East Salt Lake City Utah 84115

The world’s largest fashion magazine, with 42 translations distributed in more than 60 countries and a readership of 4.8 million people, honored Butterfly Jac as the 2011 best salon in Utah and one of the top in the country. The salon specializes in top-notch customer service and integrating itself in the community.